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25LC 03 004 SG - Organising ‘Well-Being Week’ in Primary School

25LC 03 004 SG - Organising ‘Well-Being Week’ in Primary School




Organising a Well-Being Week throughout the school is a great way to boost positivity, fun, and a sense of belonging. Having a theme for each day can really help to provide a positive focus.
 In this webinar, we will explore ways to organise a well-being week using the following themes:

Mindful Monday
Thankful Tuesday
Well-Being Wednesday
Thoughtful Thursday
Friendly Friday

We will look at simple, practical ways to plan a successful week and a PDF of useful online resources will also be shared.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Gain a deeper understanding of the importance of organising Well-Being Week
  2. Understand the planning process involved in organising the week
  3. Explore practical resources to support daily activities based on the daily themes outlined

Course Details

Course Date 13-03-2025 7:00 pm
Course End Date 13-03-2025 8:00 pm
Cut off date 13-03-2025 12:00 pm
Registration fee / cost Free
Speaker Fiona Forman
Number Hours 1
Location Online
Categories Primary, Other