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25LC 03 001 SG - Writing Effective Social Stories & Social Narratives for Autistic Children (P/PP)

25LC 03 001 SG - Writing Effective Social Stories & Social Narratives for Autistic Children (P/PP)

Social Stories were first developed by Carol Gray, and are an extremely effective, and evidence based strategy for teaching autistic learners, and those with other social communication disorders,
about what to expect, and what is expected, in a wide range of situations. ‘Social narrative’ is an umbrella term that includes Social Stories as well as other simple stories that visually represent social situations and behaviours for autistic learners.

In this short webinar, participants will learn what a Social Story/ narrative is, what they can be used for, their essential features, and how to write effective Social Stories/ narratives for the children that
they work with.

This webinar is suitable for primary and post-primary teachers, SNAs and parents who wish to learn the basics of Social Story/ narrative writing.

Participants will receive free, sample social stories which they can edit for their own students.

Course Details

Course Date 25-03-2025 7:00 pm
Course End Date 25-03-2025 8:00 pm
Cut off date 25-03-2025 6:00 pm
Registration fee / cost Free
Speaker Claire Romito
Number Hours 1
Location Online
Categories Primary, Other, Post Primary