21LC 10 009 - Working with Children with Dyspraxia/DCD: Strategies and advice for an inclusive classroom- A webinar for Teachers and SNAs

This webinar looks at how Dyspraxia/DCD can affect children in a variety of ways and how these factors may affect these children in the classroom. It aims to provide teachers and SNA with a greater understanding of the lives of children with Dyspraxia/DCD as well as strategies and ideas to address these needs in an inclusive manner.

Areas to be covered include: Defining and understanding DCD, Child experiences, Representations and manifestations, sensory integration and processing and strategies to address areas such as handwriting, fine motor skills, emotional regulation and organisation.

Learning objectives

By the end of the webinar:

· Participants will have a greater understanding of Dyspraxia/DCD and the varying impacts it may have on children’s school and occupational performance

· Participants will have developed tools to help inclusively meet students with Dyspraxia’s needs throughout the school day

· Participants will have a knowledge of a number of strategies and teaching techniques to aid the student with Dyspraxia/DCD in the classroom setting

Helping my child with Dyspraxia/DCD- A webinar for families of children with Dyspraxia/DCD

This webinar looks to provide families of children with Dyspraxia/DCD with strategies and suggestions on areas in which they can help their child at home. This webinar aims to cover areas such as the uniqueness of each child with Dyspraxia/DCD, helping your child find their niche, working on functional life skills, strategies for organisational and planning and helping your child day to day.

Learning objectives

By the end of the webinar:

· Participants will have a greater understanding of Dyspraxia/DCD and the primary and secondary impacts it may have on their child, including physical and psychosocial impacts

· Participants will appreciate the importance of providing opportunities for success in the home

· Participants will have developed tools to help meet their child’s needs through functional, fun and inclusive activities in the home

· Participants will have a knowledge of a number of strategies and teaching techniques to aid their child with develop life skills to work towards future independence.

Course Details

Course Date 21-10-2021 6:00 pm
Course End Date 21-10-2021 7:00 pm
Registration fee / cost €5.00
Speaker Stephen Hodnett
Number Hours 1
Location Online
Categories Primary, Other

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